Brandon Rosano

I’m Brandon


Hello, my name is Brandon. I’m incredibly passionate when it comes to individual sovereignty in the 21st Century.

Growing up with the internet and seeing how things have evolved to what they are today I find it ever more important for the average person to learn how computers work. My interests are currently concentrated in cyber security on the individual level, financial sovereignty in the cryptographic asset classes and furthering development in privacy and security respecting software.

A little backstory…

In my high school days, I had such a strong infatuation with the idea of being able to further the possibilities of ones devices with the use of software. What I mean by that was that I was introduced to an idea called “emulation” and learning that if you have the proper resources you can make for example your Xbox play Super Nintendo games. That was mind blowing, to say the least.

As time moved on, technology was advancing and some very crucial events were about to come down the pipe. The revealings by Edward Snowden in 2013 really had made a strong imprint in me that the protection of ones data must be taken into my own hands. I recall constantly devouring the concepts of PGP with its use of public and private keys and being smitten about how one can protect their messages with advanced mathematics. Shortly following that was the discovery of bitcoin.

Reading the white paper of bitcoin, I was immediately in love and did everything in my power to learn as much as I possibly could about this magic internet money. This discovery has certainly taken me to many wondrous places and is one of the main reasons why I am so dedicated to continue learning, as well as sharing my knowledge and experience about these particular subjects.


More on that in a little bit


Being curious minded I am constantly looking to add to my knowledge bank. Below are some of the more recent things I have done.

  • 2014

    2014-2017 Self taught HTML, CSS, Vanilla Javascript and began using Linux environments as a primary workstation.

  • 2018

    2018 - 2019 Attended and Completed UC Berkeley Extension Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp. Technologies included HTML, CSS, JS, ES6, Node.JS, MySQL, and React

  • 2019

    2019 - 2020 Shifted into full fledged Python. Developed 3 miniature games. Technologies included Turtle, Pygame, Numpy & Tkinter.

  • 2021

    2021 - Present Expanding on Python comprehension, Bash command line, and Open Source libraries such as GTK and Libhandy.